President's Greeting

  Chung Sun Yong

▸ Taekwondo Instructor,
    Vietnam Crusader, 1969

▸ Dissemination of Taekwondo
    in Hong Kong in 1971

▸ Founder of Taekwondo,
    Portugal in 1974

▸ 2005 Kukkiwon Official 9th ​​Dan

▸ President's
   Commendation Award
▸ Order of Civil Merit
   (Mongnyeon Medal)

▸ Book
   Taekwondo Hyeong · Teul

Grandmaster (IXth Dan) Founder of
in Portuga1- 1974


Welcome to the World Jungmoo Taekwondo Federation homepage.

World Jungmoo Taekwondo Federation,

In order to disseminate and establish Taekwondo, a traditional martial art of Korea, as a representative martial art of the world, we have been established to promote taekwondo cultural exchange around the world and to be the center for taekwondo to develop in various ways around the world.

The Federation establishes systematic taekwondo promotions and examinations to ensure that all practitioners who practice in the world receive high-quality education and training, and that many good leaders are trained to contribute to the globalization of taekwondo.

In particular, we are doing this through various channels so that Taekwondo can develop into the most systematic martial art in the world through promotion screening, education and seminars, competitions, dispatch of taekwondo demonstration teams, and training and dispatch of taekwondo demonstration teams.

We will now support and communicate all that information and exchange through our homepage.

The Federation expects everyone to come through this homepage to explore the work of the Federation, share information and communicate with each other. In addition, the federation will spare no effort and support to be a guide to the members, and we want to be a federation that is trusted by the members.

We will reward the enthusiasm for taekwondo by member seals and members with a policy that suggests the right direction through the valuable opinions of taekwondo people from all over the world.

Thank you again for your hard work, and for your efforts to spread Taekwondo in Korea and abroad, and look forward to your continued interest and support.

Thank you. 




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[Portugal] Praça José Fontana, N '12-B 1050-129 Lisboa Portugal
Tel. (Korea) +82-10-6818-5938 / (Portugal) +351 21 356 1222 / E-mail.
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